September 28 2024, 12:30 - 5 pm

The VIU Mariners continue their PACWEST soccer season with important games against conference rivals, Douglas College Royals!

Last season, the Mariners women's and men's soccer teams clashed with the Royals in the conference championship tournaments. We call on fans to cheer on the VIU squads as they look to regain bragging rights in 2024 and you'll be rewarded with some of the best collegiate soccer action in Canada.

Pack the stands at Q'unq'inuqwstuxw Stadium (NDSS Turf), a short walk from VIU's Nanaimo campus, and be ready to make plenty of noise to support the Mariners. Let's go!

  • Where: Q'unq'inuqwstuxw Stadium - behind Nanaimo District Secondary School
  • Who and when: Saturday, September 28 - women's game at 12:30 pm men's game at 3 pm.
  • Free admission

Can't make the games? Watch from your computer or smartphone on the VIU Mariners Athletics YouTube page.

Date and Time:
September 28 2024, 12:30 - 5 pm
Attendance: In-person
Location: Off-campus
Building: Q'unq'inuqwstuxw Stadium / Nanaimo District Secondary School